Reserve a Unit!
Prices subject to change

Five by Five (5' x 5')
Square Footage: 25 sq/ft.
Cubic Footage: 200 Cu/ft.
Description: This unit is useful for people with 1-2 rooms worth of belongings. It is about the size of a large closet.
Rate: $105 per month

Five by Ten (5' x 10')
Square Footage: 50 Sq/ft.
Cubic Footage: 400 Cu/ft.
Description: This unit is useful for people with 1-3 rooms worth of belongings. An oversized master bedroom set with a King bed can fit into this unit if packed tightly.
Rate: $130 per month

Ten by Ten (10' x 10')
Square Footage: 100 Sq/ft.
Cubic Footage: 800 Cu/ft.
Description: This would be the choice for people with up to a three-bedroom apartment or a two-bedroom house.
Rate: $220 per month

Ten by Fifteen (10' x 15')
Square Footage: 150 Sq/ft.
Cubic Footage: 1200 Cu/ft.
Description: This Unit can support up to a two-three-bedroom house, including a garage and lawn furniture.
Rate: $280 per month

Ten by Twenty (10' x 20')
Square Footage: 200 Sq/ft.
Cubic Footage: 1600 Cu/ft.
Description: This unit is quite large. Depending on the creativity of the person loading, it can handle up to a 4+ bedroom house.
Rate: $400 per month

Ten by Twenty-Five (10' x 25')
Square Footage: 250 Sq/ft.
Cubic Footage: 2000 Cu/ft.
Description: This is our largest unit, and it can hold up to a semi-trailer's worth of household goods.
Rate: $500 per month